Friday, July 27, 2012

Oh Lord, they're multiplying....

Ok, someone tell me how on earth I have managed to end up with 6 diabetic monitors? Where did they come from?

1 is from my first endo.
1 is that company that gives me free monitors and test strips if I'm part of thier program designed to help diabetic get thier supplies because test strips can be expensive with no insurance. If you don't test, you don't know where you're blood sugar is. If you don't know what the number is then you can't give yourself the right dose and then it's only a matter of time before you end up in a coma.
1 is from one of Bryan's coworker who helped us when we didn't have the money for test strips.
1 is from some person whose family member had diabetes and died
1 is the one I currently use.

That's five.

I know the six one did not grow legs, saw me, and decided to follow me home.

Oh that's another part of diabetes no one ever warned me about - you have a collection of supplies. A collection. Test strips new and used. Lancets used for 5 different monitors because they all come with thier own prick the fuck out of your finger device. Monitors. Syringes of all kinds and gauges. Needles when you go from a pen to a vial. Glucose tabs if you like them. Various information packets the Endo gives you on how to use whatever device you have and how to eat correctly with tips on carb counting. Free samples of the lastest super extreme blood sugar raising tabs. Alcohol swabs. Kits for the supplies.... When I die, I bet this collection will be so large that you could fit it in a moving truck.

All I can think is where the fuck did this sixth one come from? These monitors are like pictures in an album, I swear.

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